anthropologist, geographer, social theorist, social critic
Nicholas De Genova
Scholarship in the Public Eye

Protest of police murder of Miguel Vega
Pilsen, Chicago, 2020 (N. De Genova)
Articles Online:
“The Vicious Circle: Policing and the Culture of White Male Violence”
Spectre (published online: April 13, 2021)
“American Carnage: Police Racism, Riots, and Racial Justice”
Spectre (published online: June 15, 2020)
“‘Everything Is Permitted’: Trump, White Supremacy, Fascism”
American Anthropologist Volume 122, Number 1 (published online: March 23, 2020)
Commentary, online supplement to Special Section on “The Anthropology of White Supremacy”
“The Permanent ‘Crisis’ of the Borders of ‘Europe’”
Migration Mobilities Bristol blog (published online: April 20, 2021)
“Life versus Capital: The COVID-19 Pandemic and the Politics of Life”
Spectre (published online: June 1, 2020)
“Anonymous Brown Bodies: The Productive Power of the Deadly U.S.-Mexico Border”
From the European South Number 9 (published online: 5 November 2021)
Special Focus thematic section: “Borders, Race, and Global Mediascapes: Deconstructing Violence in Politics and Representations”
“On Standby … at the Borders of ‘Europe’”
ephemera: theory & politics in organization Volume 21, Number 1 (February 2021; published online: September 4, 2020)
Special thematic issue: “Standby: Organizing modes of in|activity”
“Crises,” Convulsions, Concurrences:
PARSE: Platform for Arts Research - Sweden Issue 8: "Exclusion" (December 2018 - April 2019)
Radical Philosophy Volume 2, Number 3 (December 2018)
Special thematic forum: “Dossier: Economies and Times of Deportation”
with contributions by Nicholas De Genova, Shahram Khosravi, Clara Lecadet, and William Walters
“Europe’s Racial Borders”
MONITOR: Global Intelligence on Racism #1 (January-February 2018)
based at the Robert Schuman Centre for Advanced Studies at the European University Institute, Florence (Italy).
lo Squaderno #44 (June 2017)
Special thematic issue: “Deportations, Bans & Expulsions”
Europe / Crisis:
New Keywords of ‘the Crisis’ in and of ‘Europe’
A collective writing project involving 15 co-authors; coordinated, co-edited and introduced by Nicholas De Genova and Martina Tazzioli
Published by Near Futures Online, the online companion to the Zone Books series “Near Futures,” co-edited by Michel Feher and Wendy Brown (Issue #1: "Europe at a Crossroads"; 1 March 2016)
“The 'Crisis' of the European Border Regime: Towards a Marxist Theory of Borders”
International Socialism: A Quarterly Review of Socialist Theory Number 150 (April 2016)
The “Crisis” of the European Border Regime: Towards a Marxist Theory of Borders
EuroNomade (16 March 2016)
The Migrant Metropolis: Human Mobility and the Regimes and Repertoires of Urbanization
Working Papers in Anthropology 2(1) [2016]. Interculturalism, Migration and Minorities Research Centre and the Institute for Anthropological Research in Africa, KU Leuven (Belgium)
Detention, Deportation, and Waiting: Toward a Theory of Migrant Detainability
Global Detention Project, Working Paper No. 18 (1 December 2016)
The Border Spectacle of Migrant Victimization
openDemocracy (20 May 2015)
Forum: “Beyond Trafficking and Slavery”
Live from Lampedusa: The Freedom of Movement
Nicholas De Genova introduces The Charter of Lampedusa
openDemocracy (9 June 2014)
Social Science Research Council
Online Forum: "Border Battles: The U.S. Immigration Debate" (28 July 2006)
Dialogue with Étienne Balibar, hosted by the Institut Français of the UK
London, 11 March 2016

2020 a
“Postcolonial Borderwork, Migrant Illegality, and the Politics of Incorrigibility”
Interview with Nicholas De Genova conducted by Fiorenza Picozza & Guillermo Castillo
Latin American Information Agency (ALAI) (December 15, 2020)
* In Spanish: Rebelió / Desinformé / Agencia Latinoamericana de Información (ALAI) (December 23, 2020)
AlterInfos América Latina (3 March 2021)
2020 b
“Conversation on Global Capitalism, Borders, and Migration”
Interview with Nicholas De Genova conducted by Olivia Maury and Daria Krivonos
Kontur Number 7 (Helsinki, Finland)
Special thematic issue: “Borders & Capitalism”
“Tal aldrig med pressen!” An Interview with Nicholas De Genova
Interview conducted and translated into Danish by Carolina Sanchez Boe and Christian Suhr
Jordens Folk 2019 - Number 1 (Journal of the Danish Ethnographic Association, Denmark)
Special thematic issue: “Anthropology and the Media”
2018 a
"On Migration, Borders, and Freedoms"
Interview conducted by Ananya Roy (31 January 2018)
for the New Poverty Politics podcast series of the Relational Poverty Network (published online: 29 May 2018)
2018 b
“Migration, Activist Research, and the Politics of Location: An interview with Nicholas De Genova”
Interview conducted by Cemile Gizem Dinçer and Eda Sevinin (in two parts)
Focaal: Journal of Global and Historical Anthropology (Part One: 12 November 2018 / Part Two: 14 November 2018)
* In Turkish: BirArtıBir / 1+1 Forum (27 and 30 March 2019; in two parts)
2018 c
“Mediterranean Struggles for Movement and the European Government of Bodies:
An Interview with Étienne Balibar and Nicholas De Genova”
Interview conducted by Glenda Garelli, Alessandra Sciurba, and Martina Tazzioli
in Antipode: A Radical Journal of Geography Volume 50, Number 3 (June 2018; first published online: 17 August 2017)
(special thematic issue: “Mediterranean Movements: Mobility Struggles and the Humanitarian Frontier”)
2018 d
Interview conducted by Soledad Álvarez-Velasco
e-misférica: online journal of The Hemispheric Institute of Performance and Politics at New York University, Volume 14, Number 1
(Thematic Dossier: “Expulsion”)
2018 e
Vývoj migrace z pohledu antropologa (starting at: 15:35) Video interview conducted and translated into Czech by Czech state television, Studio ČT24 (Prague, 4 June 2018)
2017 b
Nicholas De Genova in conversation with The Bridge Radio: Voices against Borders
Podcast of interview conducted by migration activists (Copenhagen, Denmark; 19 June 2017)
2017 c
Un diálogo con Nicholas De Genova
Interview conducted and translated into Spanish by Soledad Álvarez-Velasco
Revista Íconos (Journal of the Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences [FLACSO], Ecuador), Number 58
(special thematic issue: Migraciones Internacionales en América Latina: miradas críticas a las producción de un campo de conocimientos; 2017)
2017 d
“Vad vi talar om när vi talar om Europa”
Interview conducted and translated into Swedish by Emma Eleonorasdotter
Mana Volume 2017, Numbers 2-3 (15 December 2017)
“The ‘European’ Question after Charlie Hebdo: An Interview with Nicholas De Genova”
Interview conducted by Martina Tazzioli, guest editor
Darkmatter: international peer-reviewed online journal of postcolonial critique Number 12
"We Didn't Cross the Border, the Border Crossed Us":
Nicholas De Genova discusses our bordered identity
Interview conducted by Daphne Plessner,
published in Citizen Artist newspaper, Special Edition: Investigating the University's Borders and Boundaries (London, 1 May 2013)
2011 a
Invandringspolitikken bliver strammet igen og igen i USA og Europa -- men samtidig med larmen fra grænsekontrol og deportationer foregår der en stilfærdig og vedholdende rekruttering af illegal arbejdskraft, siger migrationsforsker Nicholas De Genova, der i sidste uge gæstede Danmark
Interview conducted and translated into Danish by Nina Trige Andersen, published in the daily newspaper Information (Denmark, 30 September 2011)
2011 b
An Image of Our Future: On the Making of Migrant "Illegality"
Interview conducted by Rozalinda Borcila, published in AREA Chicago #11 (July 2011)
Una Mexican Chicago oltre la linea del colore
Interview conducted by Anna Curcio and Gigi Roggero (translated into Italian), published in Il Manifesto (Italy, 30 April 2006 )
December 2010
Europa panikker over byernes forladte zoner
Ghettodebatten handler måske ikke så meget om konkrete sociale problemer, som om vidtrækkende post-koloniale temaer. Det er selve den europæiske nationalstats eksistens, der er på spil, når migration forandrer byens rum, mener forsker Nicholas De Genova, der gæster Københavns Universitet i denne uge.
by Nina Trige Andersen, published in the daily newspaper Information (Denmark, 7 December 2010)
- AND - in ModKraft/ QueerKraft (Denmark, 9 December 2010)
September 2009
Invandring er som en farlig gift
Denhyggelige humanist Habermas og den fæle forstokkede Fukuyama trækker begge på gammelkoloniale forestillinger om en Tredje Verdens underklasse, der kun kan kontrolleres med repressive midler, skriver den amerikanske antropolog Nicolas de Genova. Han mener, der løber en racistisk understrøm i det europiske identitetsprojekt på tværs af traditionelle skel mellem 'progressiv' og 'reaktionær'.
by Nina Trige Andersen, published in the daily newspaper Information (Denmark, 4 September 2009)
February 2009
En illegal invandrer bliver til
Naoufal smiler til vagterne, der ikke ved, at han burde sidde derinde i interneringscenteret, ikke stå herude og tage billender. 'Spektakulære' interneringer og deportationer af migranter har ifølge antropologen Nicolas De Genova altid forløbet parallelt med en mere stilfærdig import af billig arbejdskraft til de rige lande.
by Nina Trige Andersen, published in the daily newspaper Information (Denmark, 13 February 2009)