anthropologist, geographer, social theorist, social critic
Nicholas De Genova
Video and Podcasts

Athens (Greece), February 2020
“From Border War to Civil War: Populism / Fascism / Authoritarianism”
Invited Keynote Lecture presented to the workshop “Dimensions of Border Internalization: Towards a Conceptual Framework,” sponsored by the “Internalizing Borders: The Social and Normative Consequences of the European Border Regime” Research Group, Center for Interdisciplinary Study [Zentrum für interdisziplinäre Forschung] (ZiF) / Institute of Advanced Study, Bielefeld University (Bielefeld, Germany; 13 March 2024)
George Floyd: Where Are We After One Year?
​Panelist on a virtual forum hosted by the University of Houston Racial Equity and Social Justice Committee (June 9, 2021)
(Last formal presentation, beginning at 49:21)
Asylum: At the Borders of Humanitarianism
Sanctuary Short II: a conversation with E. Tendayi Achiume, Fatima El-Tayeb, Denise Ferreira da Silva, Alicia Gaspar de Alba, Nicholas De Genova, Mpho Matsipa, and Melanie K. Yazzie, produced by the UCLA Luskin Institute on Inequality and Democracy during the global COIVID-19 pandemic through the Sawyer Seminar “Sanctuary Spaces: Reworlding Humanism” (2021).
“Migration and the Antinomies of Mobility”
Invited Keynote Lecture presented to the “The Migration-Mobility Nexus” seminar of the National Center for Competence in Research – “On the Move,” funded by the Swiss National Science Foundation, University of Neuchâtel
(Neuchâtel, Switzerland; 27 May 2021)
“Migration and the Antinomies of Mobility”
Keynote Lecture presented to the international conference, “Migrant Belongings, Digital Practices and the Everyday,” sponsored by the European Research Council-funded project, “ConnectingEurope: Digital Crossings in Europe: Gender, Diaspora and Belonging,” and the Postcolonial Studies Initiative, Utrecht University (Utrecht, Netherlands) (23 April 2021)
“Forced Migration, the Antinomies of Mobility, and the Autonomy of Asylum”​
Lecture presented to the Seminar on Forced Migration sponsored by the Europe-Asia Research Platform on Forced Migration, a collaboration of the Department of Social and Cultural Anthropology and the Institute for Human Sciences (Institut für die Wissenschaften vom Menschen, IWM) at the University of Vienna (Vienna, Austria) and the Mahanirban Calcutta Research Group (Kolkata, India) (14 April 2021)
Keynote Lecture presented to the workshop “From Crisis to Critique: Languages of Resistance, Transformation, and Futurity in Mediterranean Crisis-Scapes,” sponsored by the Centre for the Arts in Society and the Netherlands Research School for Literary Studies, University of Leiden (Leiden, Netherlands; 5 March 2021)
Lecture presented to the seminar of the Centre for Migration Studies/ Migration Research Excellence Cluster, University of British Columbia (Vancouver, Canada; January 29, 2021)
“The Aesthetics, Ethics, and Politics of Knowledge Production and Dissemination”
Presentation to the conference “Waiting for Uncertain Futures: Time and Migration” (Bergen, Norway; October 1, 2020)
Roundtable 3: “The Aesthetics, Ethics, and Politics of Knowledge Production and Dissemination”
Nicholas De Genova (starting at 26:58), in dialogue with Dagmawi Yimer, Kari Anne Klovholt Drangsland, and Christine Jacobsen,
with reflections on the film “Waiting,” by Shahram Khosravi and Dagmawi Yimer
Viral Borders across the Americas (in Spanish)
Presentation for Launch Webinar (in Spanish) of the international collaborative research project, “COVID-19 and (In)Mobility in the Americas,” hosted by the Latin American Council of Social Sciences/ Consejo Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales (CLACSO)
(July 8, 2020) (Closing Presentation, beginning at 1:32:50)
“Anonymous Brown Bodies: The Productive Power of the Deadly U.S.-Mexico Border”
Keynote Address presented to the Sixth Latin American and Caribbean Congress “Trata de Personas y Tráfico de Migrantes: Causas Estructurales y Políticas de Prevención,” sponsored by Observa la Trata: Observatorio Latinoamericano Sobre Trata y Tráfico de Personas, and the Facultad Latinoamericano de Ciencias Sociales - Ecuador (Latin American Faculty of Social Sciences - FLACSO) (Quito, Ecuador; 8 November 2018)
(Introduction and Questions in Spanish; Lecture and Responses in English; interruption due to technical difficulties from 11:00-18:00)
“Anonymous Black and Brown Bodies: The Productive Power of Europe's Deadly Border”
Keynote Address presented to the conference “Transnational Migration: Borders and Global Justice,” organized by the Institute of Sociology of the Czech Academy of Sciences and the Faculty of Humanities, Charles University (Prague, Czech Republic; 30 May 2018)
“‘Crises,’ Convulsions, Concurrences:
Keynote Address presented to the Platform for Artistic Research Sweden (PARSE) Conference, co-sponsored by the Centre for Global Migration, University of Gothenburg (Gothenburg, Sweden; 17 November 2017)
Nicholas De Genova interviewed by Johan Höglund, Director of the Centre for Concurrences in Colonial and Postcolonial Studies, Linnaeus University (Växjö & Kalmar, Sweden; 21 June 2017)
“Border Frictions in the Migrant Metropolis”
Keynote Address presented to the Annual Weissbourd Conference, “Friction and the City: Convergence, Divergence and Transformation in the Urban Realm,” sponsored by the Society of Fellows and the College of the University of Chicago (19 May 2017)
(Closing Keynote, beginning at 8:53:00)
Plenary Debate: arguing Against the motion:
“The free movement of people around the world would be utopian”
17th World Congress of the International Union of Anthropological and Ethnological Sciences (Manchester, UK; 9 August 2013), with Bela Feldman Bianco, Shahram Khosravi, and Noel Salazar (intervention by Nicholas De Genova starts at 53:40)
Published transcript:
Debate: “The Free Movement of People around the World Would Be Utopian” (IUAES World Congress, 5–10 August 2013)
in Identities Volume 24, Number 2 (2017; published online: 21 Mar 2016)
“Spectacles of Migrant ‘Illegality’: The Scene of Exclusion, the Obscene of Inclusion”
Short video interview for the research platform Faculti: Communicating the Cutting Edge (London; 6 July 2013)
Nicholas De Genova is the Host of the first four episodes of the podcast, Metropolis Rising
(first launched in February 2021)
Professor De Genova has also been the featured Guest on numerous podcasts and other audio interviews:
Sarah Parker Remond Centre for the Study of Racism and Racialisation podcast
Luke de Noronha in conversation with Nicholas De Genova (recorded 8 February 2021; posted online: 10 March 2021)
Sarah Parker Remond Centre for the Study of Racism and Racialisation, Institute of Advanced Studies, University College London
"On Migration, Borders, and Freedoms"
Nicholas De Genova interviewed by Ananya Roy (31 January 2018)
for the New Poverty Politics podcast series of the Relational Poverty Network (published online: 29 May 2018)
The Production of Exploitable Labour: Interview with The Bridge Radio
Interview included in the sound installation "Economy of Migrant Labor – for the Right to Work," curated by The Bridge Radio and hosted by CAMP: Center for Art on Migration Politics (Copenhagen, Denmark; 19 January - 19 May 2018) as the final project in CAMP’s exhibit series "Migration Politics."
Toward an Anthropology of Deceleration:
Human Mobility, Migrant Detention, and the Economy of Detainability
Invited Lecture presented to the lecture series of the Community of Critical Anthropologists (FKA), Department of Anthropology, University of Copenhagen (Copenhagen, Denmark; 19 June 2017), in collaboration with The Bridge Radio: Voices against Borders
Interview with The Bridge Radio: Voices against Borders
(Copenhagen, Denmark; 19 June 2017)
Etienne Balibar in conversation with Nicholas De Genova and Alberto Toscano
Institut Français of the UK (London, 11 March 2016)
The Incorrigible Subject of the Migrant Metropolis
Invited lecture presented to the ArtesMundi 6 Exhibition “Dialogues on Conflict” seminar on “Urban Space: Exposing the Politics of Social Control,” Oriel Davies Gallery (Newtown, Wales; 4 December 2014)
Border Struggles in the Migrant Metropolis
Lecture presented to the seminar series of the Centre for Migration and Diaspora Studies, School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) (London; 3 December 2014)
Bodies that Matter, Lives that Don’t: Bare Life as Horizon
Invited Comment presented to the symposium “Goldsmiths in Conversation with the Work of Judith Butler,” sponsored by the Unit for Global Justice, Department of Sociology, Goldsmiths, University of London (London; 23 May 2013)
Decades of Migration and “Europe” in Question
Lecture presented to the seminar series “Decades of Migration: Challenging UK Social Sciences,” sponsored by the Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford (Oxford, UK; 9 May 2013)
Obscene Inclusion, Abject Belonging, or, the Regularities of Migrant “Irregularity”
Keynote Address presented to the conference “Within and Beyond Citizenship: Lived Experiences of Contemporary Membership,” sponsored by the Centre on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS), the Refugee Studies Centre (RSC), and the Oxford Institute of Social Policy (OISP), University of Oxford and the School of Social Service Administration at the University of Chicago (Oxford, UK; 11 April 2013)
Cities, Citizenship, and the Migrant Metropolis: Life Within and Against the Spaces of the Law
Lecture presented to the Center on Migration, Policy, and Society (COMPAS), University of Oxford (Oxford, UK; 1 December 2011)